onsdag 21 november 2012

Hello Sweden

A quick desicion took me to this beautiful country in its best colours (?). The sun is shining and I'm starting chapter Sweden with tonsillitis and "rest". Tell u more soon, now on a -typical, Swedish rush.
Hej då

söndag 11 november 2012

I will always love you

Flight nb 30 -Suvarnabhumi -Bangkok
The city of Angels

A year has passed and I find myself in a foggy space trying to seperate reality and reality. With just a cpl of words I will describe every moment of this time -Gratitude -Transformations -SelfLove and Detachments. Som people say "Oh, back to real life".. Real life? What is that? Isn't that to be alive and choose your actions out of Love for whatever you value as imortant and as a preference?
We all go our ways -and this is mine. I encourage you to walk the ways of your heart. That is where you'll find your truth.

By completely egoistic reasons, I'm not gonna takl abt how it feels to go back -nor leave the current home of mine.
I am a zombie today. That's enough.

Goodbye Bangkok -I love you forever
Hello Stockholm -Bring me trust, determination, goals and courage.



lördag 3 november 2012

We live and we learn

As always, things are in movement and with movement comes change.

Men innan vi vet måste vi ju försöka.
Ett möte, en själsband, en himla massa äventyr å turbulens i var och ens varande. Tackar G för den här tiden men nu var det dags att gå olika håll igen -men denna gång förevigt. Jag fortsatte till Pai, min nya favoritplats på jorden.
En blandning av hippies, kultur, fantastisk mat, healing, yoga, risfält, hotsprings, vatterfall och berg är ansvaret för denna nya förälskelse. Jag säger bara PAI! Hur i helskotta har jag missat detta ställe förrut?
Det är svalt om kvällarna å inge mer sticky skin dygnet runt. Utan AC, utan fläkt, och med en filt sover jag mig genom djungelnätterna.

Världen är liten å redan 10 minuter efter att jag stigit av minibussen som tog mig hit stötte jag ihop med Sh å Shou, mina fiina vänner från Kohphangan. Något senare träffade jag på ett par andra jag hängde runt med nån kväll för ett par månader sedan. Och som alltid, liten by, litet land, vi knyter oss samman fort och bildar communities som om det inte fanns något mer naturligt.
Min favoritsyssla är att köra på landsbygden med min lilla moppe å stanna till i en hotspringpool med utsikt över -vad som i mina ögon betraktas som -världen! Jag andas, jag lever och jag älskar!

Min återvändo till Chiang Mai var fantastisk. Fler möten med människor jag kände sedan tidigare gjorde det enkelt å bekvämt att bara vara å jag insåg hur stort mitt kontaktnät i detta lilla land är. Åker tillbaka om ett par dar igen.

Jaja, men till allas, inklusive min egen, förvåning, ledde dessa nya upptäckter till nya beslut grundade på preferences istället för val. Jag måste vila från ryggsäcken å den ständigt arbetande hjärnan för å landa i alla nya upptäckter i stilla ro. Jag är totalt tömd på energi. Många kanske ser resandet som en frihet, visst är det det, men att aldrig veta, alltid ändra sina planer, aldrig packa upp å alltid fundera över pengar är rätt påfrestande för den lilla hjärnan. Alla fantastiska möten är oslagbara, men likaså alla separationer.

"Så she's got a ticket, I think she's gonna use it.... " Tracy Chapman sjunger när jag med hela mitt hjärta stiger på nästa flyg (nr 30?) för att återvända till Sverige å lilla trygga Stockholm.
Fort ska det gå också
-så vi ses om drygt en vecka kära svenska hjärtan! 12 November, Arlanda, Stockholm.

Love and forever gratitude year 2012

måndag 22 oktober 2012

Back in Bangkok

The land of angels, the great city of
immortality, various of devine gems,
the great angelic land unconquerable, the land of nine noble gems, the royal city, the pleasant capital, the place of the grand royal palace, the forever land of angels and reincarnated spirits,
predestined and created by the highest devas.
Hello Bangkok!
Inge mer khaosan, fortfarande utmattad sen sist. Nu provar jag nya vingar, nastan, -nytt hotel i Silom, valdigt central. Ja, sitter tillame a observerar skytrain fran mitt hotel. Nastan lika legendary som havsutsikten soderut.
Ar i chong nonsi, har finns min favocurry runt hornan men far se om det blir aterbesok eller nat helt annat.
Tog 20 timmar drygt a ta sig hit. Taget var bara en timme sent denna gang! Skont!
Hors sen da, nu check in xo
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fredag 19 oktober 2012


I don't know what it is with haadrin and Kohphangan. This is not really a place in my taste, yet I tend to come back and get more or less stuck when I'm here. Most of the people come here to drink buckets of booze, drink mushrooms-shakes while wearing facepaint and clothes that makes you think you are a psycadellic drug yourself. The tourism, or maybe the category of tourists, ofc makes the local people to act towards you like you are not more than a stoned dollarbill, here to fool around and not look after either yourself or the island. So it takes a little while until you get to know the people that lives here and until they respect you as an "ordinary" being with the best intentions and the interest to actually get to know them and become a part of their lifes, if even just for a while.

I'm getting there and I can happily say that I have a good connection with many people here which makes it -again, never lonely or boring.

What I admire about Thailand and the thaiculture, all possible because of the warm climate, is the streetlife. Everyone is sitting outside their shops, whatever they are, sometimes in complete silence just observing the quietness, sometimes sharing food with each other. Even the kids (very small ones) are free to walk around by themselfs, in complete trust that someone will have an eye on them and taking care of them.

Being more of a "local" (if even just temporary) the choices of what and where to eat always leans towards the familyplaces and the more simple, and in my opinion, genuine options. Eating homecooked food from plasticbags, sitting on the pavement next to a limping streetdog, trying to communicate with a thaichild and being part of the street-lifeculture is in my favourites.

Here comes a few photos of, for me, an ordinary day in this lifetime.

My favouriteplace for my favourite-food -Som Tam

The kitchen might be a bit different from the standard we're used to but I'm telling you -great! This is the beauty of the thaicuisine. Observe the cat in the bin looking for some fishbones

My favourite baby watching Met -the cat when he is eating

The cat got hit by a car, ran away for three weeks, came back and his leg had healed, although not the proper way. The leg is now poiting in the "wrong" direction.

My wonderful islraelian friend Sh and me enjoying the Som Tam

Until next time

onsdag 17 oktober 2012


-Food comes to the one who expects in silence. Original Thai home cooked meals -thank you Kim for a beautiful lunch with the street as my table.

The sun is hot today. Had to leave the beach for cooler areas.

Yesterday yellow curry, a cpl of singahs nd mint-shisha on the beach. High demands on a Israelian way! Almost everything for free (how could u say no?). But what happened with the detox?

This blog is mainly to bring up to the surface how we all struggle with our own existence and beings, trying to share stories with the intention to inspire -if only just a single soul. And maybe I might be a hippie in ones eyes, a gypsy in anothers, or just totally wierd, but ofc everything I'd about balance. Being human and enough irresponsible once in a while is ofc as important and a part of being alive! Everything is always up to oneself. Take the best of it all.

Back to enjoying my coffee and my lovely methol-cigarett!

Do the same and enjoy every second of this day Angels!

*Bisou Beijo Beso Puss Kisses*

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tisdag 16 oktober 2012

My favourite day!

-What day is it?
-Oh, my favourite day!
[Pooh nd Piglet]
Goodnight Lemon! xo
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